The Rowney Green Association serves as the voice of the village for issues such as security, planning and the general well-being of the residents.

  • Chairman – John Cypher
  • Vice Chairman – Andy Dunkers
  • Secretary – Martin Miller
  • Treasurer – Michael Corfield
  • Executive members : James McManus ; Wendy Easter ; Margaret Rollason
What we do
  • Planning monitoring – local and major planning applications affecting the village, liaising with Council departments (Parish, Bromsgrove DC & Worcestershire CC).
  • Full or part funding of village assets :
    Grit bins
    Village property map
    The Calling Oak monthly newsletter
    Welcome pack for all new residents.
  • Close liaison with West Mercia Police Safer Neighbourhoods Team
  • Annual contribution to Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE)
  • Sponsorship of the village history group and exhibitions.

Some of our achievements for the village
  • Significantly more effective broadband.
  • Direct contact with the CEO of Severn Trent persuading them to replace the Holloway water main instead of continual repairs (which also resulted in a year’s water bill refunded to all residents !)
  • Data on the speed and number of vehicles passing through the village.
  • “20 is plenty” stickers for residential bins.
  • Supporting Worcestershire Wildlife Trust by tree planting in Newbourne Wood.
  • Provision of a new bench on the memorial green.
  • Installation of an additional dog poo bin.
  • 1000 daffodil bulbs purchased and distributed for planting around the village

The RGA, was established in 1988 for the purpose of coordinating villagers’ responses to the expansion of Redditch towards Rowney Green and the proposed Alvechurch by-pass. 
It continues to look after the interests of the village in accordance with its Constitution.

There are regular meetings where everyone is welcome to discuss village issues. Meeting dates and minutes are published in the Calling Oak and on the village website.

If you would like to contact us, please email

Membership is £5.00 per residence per year. Please use the details below to set up an annual standing order, and contribute towards the success of our village!

Account Name: The Rowney Green Association (choose “Business Account” if required)
Sort Code: 20-71-45
Account Number: 63949397
Reference: {Property Name or Surname}